Parkelj d.o.o. is general representative for Still forklift trucks

Since January 1st 2017 we are general representative for Still forklift trucks in Slovenia. For more information about products visit


We are general representative for KoneCranes forklifts.

Looking for a Heavy Duty Forklifts?
Contact us:
Domen Duc
T:0592 340 47


If you need a forklift as an auxiliary solution or just for a limited period of time and purchase is not an option, we are here to assist by offering you a suitable forklift you can rent for required time, with full maintenance support.


Spare parts

We install only genuine spare parts from our stock or from authorized traders. We dispose of complete technical documentation for all types of forklift brands INDOS and LITOSTROJ. Our services are guided by original factory standards.

We are carefully selecting our co operators and are offering warranty for quality and adequacy of all installed spare parts.


Industrial tires

To suit the users of our machines we completed our activity with sales and installation of industrial tires. We represent and sell industrial tire brands MARANGONI and ITALMATIC COMFORT.

We fill the tires with ARNCO flat proof fill, which allows you better, safer and more efficient machine operation, without breakdowns and loss of time.


With our qualified and experienced service team we intend to guarantee our clients safe and flawless operation of their transport equipment.

Authorized service for:

  • Still forklifts

Other services

  • Technical inspections and periodical checks
  • Forklift operator training courses
  • Transportation of forklifts

Purchasing and Maintenance Consultancy

We will assist you with selecting the right forklift.

Parkelj d.o.o

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